SureTriggers Team
March 20, 2023

New Integrations Launched in SureTriggers! 🚀

Exciting news! 

SureTriggers just got even more powerful with the addition of Trello, Calendly, & Google Form integrations. Apart from these new Integrations, we’ve added the much-awaited API app and some new formatter actions so you can create much more advanced workflows.

Continue reading to know more about API and these new formatter actions.

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SureTriggers Team
March 2, 2023

New Integrations – ClickUp, OpenAI, and Some Good News!

This release feels very exciting to us as we bring to you some of the most awaited integrations that would broaden the automation possibilities in SureTriggers. Keep reading to know why it’s a big deal!

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SureTriggers Team
February 21, 2023

3 New Integrations and some improvements!


It was requested by multiple users. So we added it for you!

We’ve added one trigger event for form submission so you can add your MailPoet subscribers to other  tools like FluentCRM, ActiveCampaign, etc.


And 4 actions that can help you do different actions based on trigger events of other apps like:-

Add a new subscriber
Put an existing subscriber to a new list
Remove user from a list
Change subscriber status

Now, you can connect MailPoet with different apps that you use to automate the tasks that you were doing manually earlier. 😉

Convert Pro

This integration is perfect for you if you‘re using Convert Pro and are bored of manually adding your leads to your CRMs and email marketing tools, or manually adding your form entries into Google Sheets. It’s high time that you automate all those repetitive tasks!

With this integration, you’ll be able to pass your Convert Pro Form entries to various tools like MailerLite, MailChimp, FluentCRM, Google Sheets, etc. in real-time.

FYI, we’re the first automation platform that has native integrations with Convert Pro. Meaning, you won’t find the option to connect Convert Pro in any of our competing tools!


This is the first version of Jira integration that we’ve built. It has one action that helps you create issues in your Jira projects.

Our team has started to automatically create tasks in Jira from new Slack messages. You can, too, automatically put tasks and ideas in your Jira backlog!

We’ve plans to add more actions and triggers, in the future,  for Jira integration that’ll help you create more advanced workflows.

Improvement: Fetching more data for WooCommerce Triggers

For WooCommerce Triggers, we’re fetching more relevant and important data that was not being fetched earlier like:-

  • Line items in an order
  • Coupon codes used
  • Customer notes
  • Customer details

Fixed: BuddyBoss Groups were not displaying

Last but not least, we’ve fixed some bugs that were reported. These include issues with displayed group options in the dropdown for BuddyBoss groups, last fetch data issues related to WooCommerce, and Fluent Form fetch response issues.

So we’re working on building some more new integrations that you’ll be notified about in the next updates till then go ahead and give these new integrations a try, and let us know what you think!

SureTriggers Team
February 21, 2023

SureTriggers Plugin V1.0.7

Hey there!

We’re excited to share with you the latest update for SureTriggers plugin 1.0.7! We’ve made multiple minor and major changes to the SureTriggers connector plugin. Read the details below:-

Compatibility with PHPStan & WordPress VIP Go Standard 

We’ve made SureTriggers compatible with PHPStan to improve the reliability of the plugin and give you peace of mind that SureTriggers plugin code is of the highest quality.

And if you’re a WordPress VIP Go user, you’ll be thrilled to know that we’ve made SureTriggers compatible with the VIP Go standard. This means that you can use SureTriggers on VIP Go-hosted websites with ease, knowing that it meets the highest coding standards.

Compatibility with New WordPress Integrations

With every new WordPress integration that we added in SureTriggers for you, we need to ensure that SureTriggers plugin compatible with these new integrations and fetches and sends data to the new plugin integrations smoothly. The two new WordPress integrations that we’ve added are:-

  • Convert Pro
  • MailPoet

If you’ve installed SureTriggers plugin already, you must have received an update notification. You can update your plugin to 1.0.7 and try out these new integrations! And for new users, you can download SureTriggers plugin from WordPress repository and install it on your sites!

Let us know if you have any questions,


SureTriggers Team

SureTriggers Team
February 21, 2023

SureTriggers V1.5.1

Hey there!

We’re excited to share with you the latest update for SureTriggers – V1.5.1! This update brings a range of new features, improvements, and bug fixes that will enhance your experience with SureTriggers.

Replay your failed workflow runs

In automation platforms like SureTriggers, there’s a rare possibility that your workflows may get triggered but the action steps may not get executed due to issues like invalid or irrelevant data being sent from the trigger, expiration of connection, server issues of the app that you’ve connected, etc. 

Now, if this happens to your workflows, you’ll get the log of workflow runs in history which help you identify which workflow runs failed and once you’ve fixed your automation, you can replay all these workflows.

Replay multiple workflow runs at once

From the above scenario, imagine if you had 10 workflow runs that could not perform the action steps when the workflow was triggered.

Would you be required to replay them individually?


You can select the workflow runs that you want to replay after you’ve fixed the automation and simply replay them all at once!

Modify the data and replay your workflow runs

One possible reason why your actions may not get executed due to the data that is being passed may not be accepted by the action step. 

For ex: If you’re sending emails to your customer via SMTP after a WooCommerce purchase, but your customer added an incomplete email address during the checkout like – which won’t be accepted by your SMTP and the step will fail.

Now, Changing data & Replay helps in this case. You can simply edit all the responses begging sent from the trigger and replay the automation that will make sure that the steps are executed again with the new data inputs!

Note: Editing and replaying the workflow will replay failed and successful steps of the workflow.

Added Timestamp and Mili-timestamp in Date / Time Formatters

You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve added Timestamp and Mili-timestamp formats in the date / time formatters as a lot of different applications like SureCart accept date-time values in timestamp!

We’ve a lot more coming for the next updates like API application to help you send data from SureTriggers to other applications, some new integrations, and a few more things.

So give the current updates a try and let us know what you think of these new features!


SureTriggers Team

SureTriggers Team
January 18, 2023

Beta Version 3.0.2


  • History Data in/out: Show detailed history logs for every automation run
  • Pop up to add name when creating a new automation
  • Released Connector plugin on WP Repo


  • Multiple minor UI improvements for add action/trigger flyout


  • Error message not displaying in case user tries to connect the app with same credentials multiple times.
SureTriggers Team
January 18, 2023

Version 1.0.4


  • FluentForms: First name, last name, and email not being fetched for specific forms.
SureTriggers Team
January 18, 2023

Beta Version 3.0.2


  • Kajabi
  • Circle App: New Triggers and Actions


  • SureCart order created event will show product details


  • ActiveCampaign: Automation failing after few days
  • Mailerlite: Name not getting added with dynamic data